Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Lost weeks

December 9-11
The good:  spent a weekend in Cincinnati hanging out with some good friends that I haven't seen in awhile. (Arthurs, Tellers, UC VS Xavier game, Green Papaya). 

The bad:  while bounding up a flight of stairs like an epileptic cheetah, my foot slipped, missing the step.  The result a cracked/ BBQ'd  rib on my left side.  now I turn to my ice packets as if it were a crack pipe, focused on the tender region 978756 times daily, trying to fix this as fast as possible so I can get back to running.  I feel like a caged animal that can't sleep since every time I roll over on my side I get sharp pains that wake me from my restless slumber. Need I say this sucks.  

December 17
Eff this. My rib is killing me.  Tired of not coughing or sneezing.   I'm Having trouble putting on a pair of pants/socks/shirt and getting in and out of bed/car.  Cannot raise my arm, breathe, inhale and sleep.  Ice, heat, ice, heat repeat.  
Hung out at mill creek park with some of my running family for URINEO(Ultra Runners In NorthEast Ohio) Congrats to those who pushed his/her limits on the trails and the roads.  
Losey family Christmas. 
Talked a lot of nonsense to most of my family that I haven't seen in awhile.  That's what I  do.  
running update
Got in MMT 100  May 12-13, 2012. Very glad to be running on these two very specific dates.
December 20
Baby steps, I can finally feel my lung and am able to take a semi full breath, with movement of my rib cage.  
One entire year. Never saw that one coming.  Pretty insane how changes and decisions of other people mold and shape other people's future.   Craziness that pushed me to live a life I always wanted. Evaluating where i was and what i want, strengths VS weaknesses Running to the western sun and mountains in search of something and filling an unreplaceable void.  Safety in change I guess. 
December 21
Today was spent resting and icing. I am gaining more flexibility in my rib cage and am overwhelmed with boredom and insomnia.  
December 23
Took my nephew to see "we bought a zoo" good movie, two thumbs up, with my recommendation.  
December 24
Since I can't run, spent three hours this morning walking the roads of mill creek park. 
Started to feel like I was coming down with something, stuffy head, morning sore throat, runny nose but after a four hour nap, false alarm....booyah. 
December 25
Fun with the fam.  Made it through another year.  Miss you Stork.  Think about you often.  
Struggling with the fine line of try to run, not run and heal, when to push it and when to rest up.  
December 26
Spent the evening hanging out with some friends from college that were in town for the holidays.  
December 27
Oh lazy day, chilling in my forever lazy.    Sleeping most of the day, trying to insure I don't get sick. 
December 28
Went to the movies, saw Real Steel.
December 29
Indian food for lunch, packing up for my trip back home.  The bittersweet of leaving the family and going back home.  It's always great to spend time at my parents house.  Am definitely happy to head out of Ohio and back to the mountains. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Empire state of mind

Spent a weekend in NYC and the east village.  Lots of people in the big apple.  Thursday evening, i Met up with Tristan and Gina at Pravda, a cool, trendy vodka bar with all the pretty people.  After that we all headed to a roaming reggae/Rastafarian club to check out some dee jays.  
Friday:  ate lunch at a world famous vietnamese noodle restaurant, xian house and spent the early hours of the night at Sala, a wine bar near union square with  Tristan, Tamara, Carlie,and  Merrilyn  from there we headed back to east village for dinner at a french restaurant and to meet up with Joanna at my favorite,  the 7 street bar.  The service was awesome,  if you get the chance, go visit Nicole and tell her I sent you.  

Saturday:  spent most of the day walking around downtown, ate lunch at a really good western Chinese pho house and a late lunch at the excellent dumplings house in chinatown.  Road the subway back to the east village and then headed to a French restaurant that was run by French culinary school students.  Food was awesome.  From there I made my first trip to a hookah bar. 

Sunday:  yep, I'm retarded and it cost me $150.00..  I WANTED to fly home December 4th, I bought my ticket for February 4 th...... Dumb dumb dumb.  Oh well, whatever.
Got in Hardrock 100, that changes my training a ton.  Focused on not failing. A lot of people want my slot and I appreciate that i got one and hope to not squander my opportunity. 
Signed up for MMT #6 
Signed up for western states 100 
Confirmed my trip to Italy/europe in January.  

December:     Oh joy, I'll pass on this whole month. See you next year.  

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rivalry Saturday

November 26 2011

Watched the Ohio state vs Michigan game at the Allen house.  Food was great,  good to see and hang out with a lifelong friend.  Surrounding yourself with great people on a day when you miss someone seems to be great therapy.  This is my favorite Saturday of college football.  So many great games.  Almost comparable to march madness, almost. 
Adding to my to do list, attend a south Carolina VS Clemson @ Clemson football game. The gamecock crowing or cackling is annoying and I never liked spurrier as a coach. Alabama VS auburn would be pretty sweet as well.  

NBA don't care that you and the owners have come to a tentative agreement.  Should I be excited that you are going to start playing games on Christmas?  Nope

Running:  hamstring has been very tight since my ten miler at west branch so before I injure it any further, have taken two days off with only stretching.    I'll see how I feel tomorrow morning and then adjust my running schedule accordingly.  

1:35 pm ~~~~I hope your day was great

Go browns.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sunday vertical monster

Started a little bit after 7 am, 22 degrees out.  Carried a big pack(about 25 pounds) with a gallon of water and some calories, that I dropped at a large rock cropping. This was the aid station for the loop around elephant butte.  The first two loops were uneventful. The third and fourth I wondered why I was doing this, the fifth and sixth loops my legs were tired but I was getting closer to being done.  The seventh was heaven and flew by.  Number eight loop I did in the opposite direction to change it up a bit.  The last climb up evergreen mountain it was starting to get cold and the sun was  going down.  
Pretty hard training run. 10 hours on the trail and 10 k of climb.  Hoping to do this run a few more times 

Spent the day wrapping up a few loose ends in Colorado before flying back to Ohio.  Waited over two weeks to get my old title from Ohio DMV and it arrived a few hours before I left.  Spent the night at my cousins in Denver and she graciously took me to the airport on Tuesday morning.  So glad I dont have to pay for five weeks of airport parking.  
A lot has been made about holiday travel. I got my ticket, through security and to my gate in about 15 minutes. Smooth as silk.  
Got to Ohio in time to watch my nephew play soccer.

Got a 4 mile run in around the neighborhood, legs were still dead from Sunday's adventure. Turkey trot should be fun.

Ran a 35:38 in the five mile turkey trot.  Kept even splits the entire run. Ate turkey, took a nap and took my nephew to see jack and Jill.  It was great to hang out with my family and not have to worry about the madness of black Friday.  On the way home from the movies, Jarod wanted to drive by best buy and throw something soft at the campers haha love that kid.  The line at toys r us five hours before they opened was insane.  I don't get it.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

You looka like a _____________

Headed to Keystone for my first day of snowboarding this season.  Snow was good and it was great to finally gets some turns in and before thanksgiving is even better.  Got home early enough to head to cactus jacks for the Broncos game.  Two women approached me and asked if I was a runner, i wasnt even wearing one of hundreds of running shirts or shorts that I own.   I asked them why and they said I looked like a runner.  I'll take that any day especially living in the land of fit people.  Thanks T and Tracey, you made my night.  
7 mile run today up Evergreen mountain, felt smooth.  
Running tomorrow morning ( Sunday) with a lot of climb.  
Packed and ready to occupy Ohio.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dry run

Wide awake at 3am. I guess my body still thinks it needs to stay up all Tuesday and into Wednesday.  This is the day that I use to do inventory for work and like clock work, every Tuesday I am wide awake. I would have thought that after 5 months of not working ( wow it's been that long) my body would have adjusted by now.  
Broke our upcoming Saturday run into four sections and on preliminary data collected today via gps and good old fashion math this is what I got.
First  section is evergreen mountain.
  1.27 miles to the top, 
1,010 feet of gain
 zero loss.  
Second section will be transitioning down evergreen mountain to the loop trail around elephant butte
1.93 miles 
337 feet gain
1,052 feet of loss
Third section is the loop Around elephant butte plus the spur to the top ( plan on doing this 9 times)
2.27 miles
944 feet gain
899 feet of loss
Fourth section is home 
2.77 miles 
431 feet of gain.

If I calculated correctly, our total miles would be 26.48 for a gain of 10,175 feet. Subject to change as abiding by the rules of a fat ass run.  
Saturday appears on paper to be a long day.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Keeping with the family tradition, I signed up for the turkey trot today oh and ran 7 miles up and around evergreen mountain.  Doing a test run of the "vertical monster fat ass" run course tomorrow to check elevation gain and miles.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rested legs=happy feets

Spent Friday struggling through a 7 mile run.  My legs were tired and my brain kept coming up with excuses to turn back.  Not a fun day for me on the trails. In the past this was my indicator that I was overtraining.  As Friday progressed, I wanted to redeem myself on Saturday.  Gung ho and ready to go I step out on the deck into an intense windstorm up to 100 mph.  Back into the house I go.  Bad weather does not bother me but this was insane.  Off to hang out in Boulder for the day, no run and a day of rest.  Yes.
Sunday. Lair o bear to Pence park.  13 miles with a small diversion to climb the panoramic trail and the meadow view trail. I  could breathe and my legs finally felt rested.  Nothing beats a fun run with happy feet.  cheers to a new week.  
The weatherman predicted 10-20 inches of snow, they  got 2 inches. How are  they off by that much?  Thanks for getting my hopes up, my snowboard is getting impatient and so am I.  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wasted day

Spent all of Monday sleeping and trying to get rid of a migraine headache.  
Felt like someone was hitting me in the head with a hammer repeatedly for hours.  

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mt Falcon park. Sunday funday

Attempted to run with the Denver trail runners this morning but picked the wrong parking lot. So we started  at the upper  mt. Falcon parking lot and took the castle trail.  the first mile looks more like a dirt road than a trail but  as we descended it turned more technical and boom, we are on a single track.   The  views of the Denver skyline and red rocks became evident during this mostly four mile downhill.  Standing on a overlook, i could see red rocks to my left, downtown Denver to my right, and snow covered mt. Evans behind me. Broke off of the castle trail and took the turkey trot trail that loops around to back to the base of mt falcon park. The turkey trot trail gives the best views of red rocks that I have seen.  This is when we rejoined the castle trail for about a four mile up hill to the upper parking lot.  Good start to the running week with some technical up tempo, long downhill and long climb back up.  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Here kitty, kitty

Drove to Colorado springs, bought a new car.  Was hoping to get a run in around pikes peak but the car buying process took up most of the day and I needed the rest day since my legs are pretty trashed.  Back at it tomorrow.

Upon returning to Evergreen and pulling into the driveway, a mountain lion was about five yards from the back sliding glass doors.  Wild animals are pretty neat.  
An extra hour of sleep. Yes please.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

So beast you don't even know

Spent the day running three sisters trail, elephant park, and buffalo park.  Excited that we found some flowing single track trails that lead up and around elephant butte with some great views and good climbs.  Ran into a local on horse back that explained how to get to the destination we were looking for. On top saw a large red fox with a bushy tail and the tip of the tail was pure white. I got pics but my iPad is is in a class with kids that dont read so good and won't let me upload them unless I write this blog on email and mail it to myself at blogger, which sounds like to much work. This now makes the route a huge circle instead of an out and back. Snow is ankle deep on the non sunny side of the mountains.  The last time I wore my road running shoes was July 29th during a run around Donner lake in California, that is so beast(a phrase the young kids are using these days) Legs feel like wet noodles, tomorrows run should be fun.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

That's pretty neat

Had a fun hiking camping trip last weekend, scratched the idea of the Colorado trail due to logistics. Headed towards elephant park and the mt. Evans wilderness. Slept in a bivy on the ground, no tent. 20 ish degrees at night but was toasty warm.  Heard a pack of coyotes making all kind of noise at about 4am. Saw three grey foxes, two were rather large. Pack weight was about 30 lbs and my freeze dried dinner was only 6 years expired. It still tasted great.  Very windy. The whole trip was pretty neat.
No shave November, growing a beard.
Snow is falling again.  Awesome.
Last timed run of the year happened yesterday.  Now it is about building back a base and longer slow runs.
Hardrock 100 application is on it's way. Fingers crossed.
Just got better news about a friend who was diagnosed with cancer.
Lost a friend who was killed by a falling tree limb. Life is short.
Got an email from a friend who i haven't heard from for over a year.  Reconnecting is neat.
Removed my rocket box and bike rack from my car. Engine is clean and so is the inside. Time to trade it in and get a new one. 
Bought my plane tickets home for the holidays. Arrive in Ohio November 22 and will be back in Colorado December 31. Wow over a month. Looking forward to the turkey trot and some miles in mill creek park at URINEO FA( Ultra Runners In North East Ohio fat ass)

Give it a looky see.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sugary POW happy trails oh my

The morning air was cold and crisp.  The skies were bright blue.  Made freshies on my  run up and around Evergreen mountain.  it looked and felt like running through fields of granulated sugar. I had the trails to myself, which is a good thing, if someone would have seen me they would have thought i was mental. Smiling thinking mornings like this is why i moved here. Coming off the backside of the mountain I thought I saw mountain lion tracks.  The first few times a large clump of snow would fall off the trees, it would spook me and make me think I was being hunted down. Oh how my mind wanders when I'm running.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

She's the cheese and I'm the macaroni

Flew into CVG(Cincinnati Very Good) on Friday and arrived in time to head to the Colerain VS. hamilton football game with sweaty Bob and his wife.  In seven years, never went to one high school game in what I consider, the second best place for high school football behind Warren of course.  After the game, Bob and I were birthday crashers at pebble creek golf course, couldn't find a wedding on a Friday night.
Saturday: played 18 holes of golf at Miami whitewater, went out to eat and went to a Halloween barn party with live music and games for the kids with about two hundred other people.  
Sunday:  Stonesteps 50k.  The goal was to go out a little slower and try to pick up some time on the last few loops, which I stuck to that plan but after two bathroom breaks, I knew I wouldn't be able to PR and enjoyed running with Brian, Kyle and  Gregg.  You would have thought we were teenage girls as we  chatted and giggled but it made for some easy miles.  279.61704 miles accumulated on that course excluding training runs.
Spent the next few days in covington Ky hanging out, got to eat at Tim + Chee for lunch( grilled cheese)  keystone(best mac n cheese anywhere sorry Mom) a stop at Arthurs( fried cheese) and played trivia at MLTs.  Best team name from trivia was "my couch pulls out, I don't" I think they came in last. Back in Colorado before the snow fell and planning my next adventure, which appears to be the start of the Colorado trail, starting this Saturday, weather dependent.

Friday, October 21, 2011

One week catch up

Took care of some everyday life things over the past week, paid some bills picked up mail, laundry etc. .  Life is pretty simple. Had three decent runs. Hung out at the stagecoach bar and grill and watched the browns lose( nothing new) and went to little bear on Monday night to watch football.  Excited to head to Cincinnati for stonesteps 50k number 9 .  Only one more after Sunday and I can pull the plug on this streak.  Not that I don't want to run more but since I am now calling Colorado my home, I don't see myself coming back to Ohio for a 50k.  Plus 10 of anything is a nice stopping point. For example; Ten day, month, year relationship, ten tacos, ears of corn, beers, etc. All seem appropriate. Now eleven of any of those, that just seems excessive to me.  Been researching new cars and will buy one when I get back to CO from Ohio.  Narrowed it down to three not in any particular order.  Subaru, Volvo and Audi.  On a side note, I wish people would spare me his/her political bullshit right and left wing on facebook. I don't care that you hate Obama or love the GOP, or vice versa. I research who I vote for on my own and just because your church, union, chess club tells you to vote for this person or that does not mean I have to. Proud of you for copying what someone else wrote and making it your own. If I want your opinion, I'll ask. Educate yourself and stop being such a follower of the blind. Ok my box of soap has toppled.

October 13/14

I find myself in Ridgeway CO, after a good run in Ouray.  Twin peaks to the box canyon and camp bird road above the ice park.  How many miles? Don't care. Elevation gain/loss? Don't  care.  Felt good to move on the trails with no goal/time/agenda.  I find this happening more and more.  I hope it is a precursor to my personal secret goal at stonesteps 50k in a week and some days.  My Colorado legs are stronger than previous stonesteps and my lungs feel bigger but I question my "running" legs.  We shall see come Ohio.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hello chilly weather

October 11-13

Spent the last few days in Silverton and Ouray CO.  It is so different visiting these towns during the off season.  Very few tourists, totally different vibe hanging with the locals.  Getting to know people at the coffee shops by name creates more of the experience.  It is getting colder in the high country with a light dusting of snow.  I can see my breath when I go to sleep and the windows are frosted when I get up.  Perfect blue skies by noon.  Time to get my warmer sleeping bag.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grand Canyon 2011

October 9 2011

Hung out in Durango before heading to the big ditch, lost my phone and left my credit card at a restaurant before meeting up with Megan and Connie.  Drove to our campsite on Saturday, set up camp, got dinner and talked with the rangers regarding water and trail conditions.  Went to bed early Saturday night and got up at 5am to start our descent into the canyon around 5:30am.  It was a cold night and a chilly morning.  We started from South Kaibab down to phantom ranch, It warmed up fast.  If you want a steak dinner at the bottom of the canyon, it is only $42.00.  I hung out at blue ribbon falls, soaked in the stream, saw a snake(dont know what kind but got a pic) and scared the group hiking behind me as i jumped and squeled like a little girl.  I hate snakes.  The lemonade(four glasses and a water bottle filled) quenched my thirst and the summer sausage provided me enough energy for a long slow climb out from the bottom. Only saw one other person the seven miles or so back up south Kaibab with a full moon  The Colorado river was muddy unlike my last trip to the bottom, in which it was a bright green  Famished and starving we headed to the cafeteria for a turkey dinner and then a two dollar shower which was wonderful.  Heard a few elk bugle  and coyotes howling very close to our campsite.  The colors of the canyon are breathtaking as is the climb.  I guess that is why they call it grand

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Volunteering at the Great American Beer festival.  Awesome.  I was stationed in island "E" which was considered the Midwest. Rock bottom Cleveland and cincinnati. We served one ounce of beer in small little tasting cups. The people I got to work with were great. 433 brewers, 49,000 people attended.    My friend Massie came in from C-bus which means the party would not disappoint, she doesn't allow it.  
Freshcraft,  pedal cab races through downtown Denver.
Falling rock tap house, Denver Chophouse, getting to meet the brewers of three floyds, back to falling rock. 
Qoute worthy
"Look at those calves, makes me want to lick honey off of them"
" you smell like fried pickles and shame".

Which has intrigued me to look into becoming a pedicab operator. Ride a bike all day. That wouldn't be so bad.

If you like beer, it is a must go to.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pain in my ass

September 27

Ran 11 miles in Evergreen with Bob, found some awesome new trails. Lots of good climbing.  Surprised that a two week stay in Ohio feels like I'm starting the altitude acclimation all over again.  Piriformis pain is back.  Spent the night stretching, sitting on a tennis ball and rolling my ass muscles around the ball.  Felt like I was going to pass out.  I'm sure trying to keep up with the young kids football team that I'm coaching didn't help.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 18-September 26

Relaxing week in Warren.  Slept a lot. Got to see two browns games(both wins) two WGH varsity soccer games, my dad on a horse, lots of friends and family for my dads surprise 60th birthday party. Jacob going to homecoming and two Sunday dinners.  Got a few good runs in at mill creek park.  Ready to head back to the mountains and climb a few more 14 ers before the snow comes. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


September 17

Worked runner check, went to the start of the trail near volney rogers and enjoyed watching all the runners come through and made sure they made the correct turn.  Once all the runners were through, I ran to the covered bridge and helped direct runners on which way to go.  Ran back to the log cabin. It was great to see old friends and make a few new ones, a big party with a few miles thrown in for the fun of it.   Another successful YUTC and I am happy to have been a part of it.  
September 16

Spent the day marking the YUTC 50k and 25k course.

Road runner beep beep

September 15

Ran 7 miles around Warren and legs are feeling good.  Slight hamstring pain but it subsided around mile two.  Marking the trail tomorrow for YUTC 50k and 25k.  Looking forward to getting back to the trails where my trail running started.   

Coming home

September 14

No drama travel from DIA to Akron.  Sat next to a chatter box home schooled kid.  Do not understand why travelers feel the need to 1. Stand up on the plane as soon as we reach the gate and 2. Gather around the baggage claim like that can't see their luggage from ten yards back.  Love fighting my way through the crowd as they stand, looking at a conveyor belt, which is going around in circles.  Makes no sense.   My sis picked me up and my first stop was the Warren Hot Dog Shoppe.  Hung out with la familia for a bit and got to see Jacob play soccer, WGH VS Shaker Heights.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chili cook off

September 11

Ran 10 miles with the Denver TraIl runners.  Started at lookout mountain, near Boettcher mansion, down to windy saddle parking area and out on the beaver brook trail. Some nice technical trails that reminded me of the massanutens.  After that, myself and the Combs family went to the Evergreen chili cook off.  Fun mountain town festival.  Live bands, fire fighter competitions and chili.  

Cycling Littleton

September 10 

28 mile bike ride with Maggie, 14 miles up, 14 miles down.  Deer creek canyon road to high grade road topping out in Conifer, almost 4,000 feet of elevation gain.  She is a climber and I am still trying to find my legs and lungs.  Cold descent.  Over 40 mph on the downs is fun on skinny tires.  Went to the corner bakery for lunch after our ride which is similar to a Panera but 10x better.  

Well, I wake in the morning
Fold my hands and pray for rain
I got a head full of ideas
That are drivin’ me insane

Exploring Evergreen

September 09 

8 mile run up and around Evergreen mountain yesterday followed by a another 8 mile run bushwhacking and some rock climbing.  Headed up a long dirt road with about 1,000 feet of climb.  Fun climbs, legs are still tired.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Couch surfing

September 7, 2011

Stopped on my way back to Evergreen in Vail.  One of my favorite restaurants, a local joint called The George.  It is in the basement of Vail village off the beaten path from normal tourists to the mountain.  Surf and turf for 20 bucks.  During this visit I met Niki and Justin who live in Vail.  Niki just joined the peace corp and Justin is an avid snowboarder, tattoo artist. They participate in couch surfing and offered me a place to crash in an awesome ski chalet, which I gladly accepted.  Really chill, fun people. Mixing it up with the locals.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Journey Summary

September 07

U.S.A. Summer road trip 2011 is over

Starting in Evergreen CO and ending in Evergreen CO
7 states (Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon,  Washington, Idaho)

5,185 miles  on the Subaru 

Two  14,000 foot mountains ( Mt. Shasta 14, 179 feet and Mt. Rainier 14,411 feet)

One failed attempt at a 100 miler( cascade crest classic 100)

One  successful 100 mile run the week after at the Silverton challenge

Three really good books

Four great family and friends opened their homes and let me crash, shower, and do laundry.  

Time to start planning my Asian/European adventure hopefully next spring, summer.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


September 04-05

Big head Todd and the monsters 
"All life is, is really just a circle."

Beep, look up, check miles, check pace, subtract what was left to do and repeat.  

This was my first attempt at a 48 hour run, located in Silverton CO.  The course consisted of a 1 mile, all trail loop. 250 feet of elevation loss/gain per loop, switching directions every six hours  A huge circus tent was the start finish area.  A run within many runs.   A 1,000 mile challenge, a 6 day, 72 hour, 48 hour and 24 hour run  and by Sunday morning, all runners were out making loops.  Every runner wore an anklet computerized chip and we crossed over a mat that recorded the miles.  What was really cool about the run was the results were projected onto the tent wall.  Beep, look up like a salivating dog as the screen showed my reward. One nice and slow mile.  Winner for a split second.  On to the next loop.  
Started my run day with a chai latte and a breakfast burrito from the avalanche coffee shop( love that place). Run started at 9am, took off faster than normal and lead the run for the first 40 miles.  Went to bed around 10 pm and got a full nights sleep.  
Day two
Started the day with a chai latte and a breakfast burrito from the avalanche coffee shop(love that place). Oh the irony of repetition. Four people passed me while I slept.  
My milestones and what I thought about while running.
60 miles to go.
40 miles run equals bed time
50 miles halfway and every step from here on out is "Downhill"
69 miles only a 50k left
71 miles  if I was running the ring, I'd be done right now.  
74 miles less than marathon to go
81 miles. I'm in the teens of mileage left
91 single digits left

I only have to climb this hill 26 ,25 ,24 etc more times.

Two runners from Marshal were running together and every time I passed them I would tell them the start of a joke,  never the ending. 
"two guys walk into a bar, ok see you next lap" 
Next lap
" what is green and yellow and, ok see you next lap"
These turned to songs.
Me:Hey Jeremy  and Zach do you want to have the best lap of the night? 
Them: Sure Bill
Me: who let the dogs out
Them: you bastard, payback is coming
They got me back with tainted love the next lap.

Near the end Jeremy and I spent a few laps together chatting about we are marshal, west Virginia,  women, the coast guard (who was kind enough to let him out of Irene clean up to run) his running days at western states and the university of Oregon etc.  These miles flew by since 97% of the run I was by myself.

Didn't think I would like a one mile loop course or a hours event but it was great to get the miles in with 25,000 feet of elevation loss/gain. It didn't seem monotonous, didn't have to pack drop bags, carry big packs or plan for weather. The stress of normal hundreds did not apply.  Run when you want to break when you want to. I only threw up twice at sunrise the second day.  I would like to think the sunrise was so beautiful that I couldn't help myself but the real reason I continue to struggle with my nutritional and calorie intake.  

Congrats and kudos to the Combs family for cranking out some good miles.  

Many thanks to Rodger Wrublick, Nick and Jamil Coury for putting on great event. Definitely on my to do list next year, might even bump it up to 72 hours

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lil hamster

September 01

Wow is summer coming to an end?  Cannot wait for some snow up in them thar hills.    Spent the day in Ouray and then later in the day arrived in Silverton.  Going to try my luck at a 48 hour race, one mile loop,around and round in circles for two days. ,  Should be a fun way to spend two days and hopes it turns out a little better than cascade crest 100.  Good luck to all those running the ring in Virginia.  It is good to be back in Colorado

On the road again

August 31 

Driving and driving, from Seattle to about 20 miles from the Utah line.  
What I learned.  I no longer listen to rappers that put LIl, (Wayne, Kim, scrappy, b, Jon) you get the idea.  Be original.  Rock,  use the word Theory In your bands name. Nope turning It.  You are trying way to hard.  I digress,  more driving.  Tried to sleep twice but both times I was wide awake so instead of staring at my ceiling i drove.  Thank you Idaho and Utah for a speed limit of 75. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

August 29-30
Spent the last two days in Sammamish by organizing all my bags, gear and relaxing with Brenna, Paul and the kids. Sundays dinner was awesome, fresh salmon and a great salad(thanks Brenna)   I am appreciative and thankful that I know so many great people, all over the U.S.  Very lucky.  I went for a run and it was enjoyable.  Wondering what changed from two days earlier?  

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cascade crest 100, I opted for 33 miles

August 27-28 
CCC 100. 

Picked up Bob Combs at the sea-tac airport, headed to REI, pikes market and then to Easton WA.  It was great to see some of the VHTRC crew, awesome event great trails, but my heart and my head, both not in it.  By mile 3 I wanted to stop and every step to mile 33, it became very evident in my mind that I didn't feel like suffering, throwing up, pushing myself all night.  This is an odd place for me to be in because in the past i have almost always been able to shut that part of my brain down and push on.  I Have had a lot on my mind lately regarding life, structure, where I want to live, work, etc. And normally on long runs like this I figure it out but today I wanted nothing to do with it.  I thought about steak dinners, a good night sleep,  milkshakes and waking up not completely trashed.  The morning after, I expected regret for stopping so early but yeah, not so much.  heading back to Colorado.  

Seattle area

August 20-26

The summary of the week in Seattle with the Childress family.  Great food, thanks Brenna, great music, thanks sterling loons.  Bike ride and fun on Orcas island with Paul. Didn't get to see any Orca whales.   Jack and Molly- we went to the park and picked huckelberries, played soccer, played catch, rode skateboards, read bed time stories ( don't tell a three year old " don't let the bed bugs bite" if she doesn't like bugs. ) pikes place market for good Mac n cheese and chocolate,  canoeing. picnics,  playing on the playground and throwing rocks.  Molly was playing with a friend she met on the playground named Lucy sliding on the sliding board and at the bottom Lucy went pee,  her father says "Lucy you don't pee in the park". Molly "yeah Lucy don't pee in the park, pee in the pool". 
August 18-19, 2011

Left RMI base camp around noon, secured our climbing permits and headed to camp muir, which is about 4.1 miles and mostly snow fields.  Arrived at the camp around 5 ish and dropped some gear, repacked and laid out what we would need for later that night/next morning.  Heated up some water for mountain house chili Mac and beef and went to bed around 8 pm.  Hiking into muir a cloud covered the entire mountain and it was near whiteout conditions but as the night wore on, the clouds started to lift, the temp rose and the stars were visible. I was amazed at how fast the weather can change up high. We got up around midnight and was surprised how comfortable sleeping on a glacier can be.  I slept great.   Our goal was to get started ahead of the big guided groups and move fast up the mountain.  climbing with a harness, roped up to other people was new to me and took a little bit to get used to.  The glacier was glowing a vibrant blueish green from below.  There were a few crevasses to step over, some small a few others large, one required a ladder. Most of them I couldn't see the bottom.  I read about these in a book and it was very cool to experience these first hand.  We reached the summit around 5 am and it was still dark.  I could see Seattle, Yakima, mt Adams, mt baker, mt st. Helens all big, all glowing.  I kept thinking people are down there, tucked in there beds and I just climbed a mountain.  We skipped the cliches of that was only half of the climb or getting up is optional, getting down is imperative, took a few pics from the top.  It was a little windy, somewhat cold but not unbearable.  Heading back down, I tried to offer words of encouragement to the groups climbing up, most people looked trashed, focused and quiet.  We ended up at camp muir without incident, got to watch the sunrise while climbing down and I got to lead a section while roped up.  I hung out at camp muir for about an hour and a half, packing up some things we left in the tent and moved down to the parking lot pretty fast.  It is amazing how I can move when I want to get out of the uncomfortable plastic boots.  Got back to the hotel in time for a shower and a late lunch before driving to Seattle.  Climbing mountains seems to put my life in perspective,  it makes me feel very small and reminds me that 1. The mountains don't care.  2.  The world is a big place 3. They help me reflect on what is important in my life, the people. My values and beliefs and 4. They act as a kind of reset button.  The views aren't to bad either.  
August 17, 2011

Rest day and repack all my stuff.  Rented pants and plastic climbing boots.
August 16 , 2011

Climbed to camp muir, very light pack, running shoes, shorts a t shirt.  It was fun glissading down the mountain.
August 15 2011

Picked up a woman I met a few years ago in Cincinnati at the Seattle airport and headed to Ashton WA to meet up with her brother, who is a guide on mt Rainier. First viewing of this mountain, my thoughts are oh shit, this is a big one.  I also took a step back and thought tons of people climb this yearly so why not me. What one  man can do so can another.  figuring out my gear, what to take, what to leave behind.  Tomorrow morning heading to camp Muir for a fun, easy 10 mile hike at altitude on non-technical trails.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thumbs, bikes and soap. Lots Of racing.

August 09-14th, 2011

Spent a little under a week at a friends house, living in my own little cave(her basement) in Oregon.  Went for a really fun run on Tuesday and Thursday in forest park which had some awesome trails.  Monday we ate a place called sizzle pie, great tasting pizza.   Tuesday after our run, we met at the lucky lab for libations, good food and thumb wrestling championships for oversized zucchini.  Most of my Portland trip consisted of hanging out in the neighborhood I was residing in and enjoying the local shops.  Friday 
Night we went to check out the Twilight Crit, a professional bike race in downtown Portland.  These boys closed the gap on the break away race leader in a quick, fast hurry.  Saturday, I went to the adult soapbox derby.  Very cool energy and a great scene.  Headed down to the local track and ran the beer mile and had a chill night at the house.  Awoke Sunday morning to the smell of banana pancakes and fresh fruit.  What a great way to wake up.  All in all, my stay in Portland was great but my only downside, I probably should have ventured out of the comfortable little neighborhood but this only gives me a reason to go back.    Very cool city, scene, filled with stylish, fit hipsters and world class athletes.  Great food great people.  I could live in Portland.  Got caught up on a lot of sleep and was introduced to the blog called " the oatmeal". If you are not familiar take some time and enjoy the humor.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ocean size

August 08 ,2011

"Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right" scarlet begonias 
What I learned from driving up the coast is that the waves, earth and life doesn't stop.  Wave after wave continues to crash up on the beach and continues to do so every few seconds forever.  Pretty amazing to think that no matter what is going on in the world, your world , this is what will happen and it continues and you cant stop it.  

In Oregon it is illegal to pump your own gas, who knew.  Portland is great.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Whale of a headache

August 06, 2011

Slept at bunny flats trailhead in my car and the climb must have put it to me, I went to bed at 8:30pm and got up at 10 the next day.  Drove to clam beach, hung out in arcata and redwood np then crossed over the Klamath river and observed a slew of people on the bridge.  A 45 foot grey whale was swimming back and forth under the bridge.  Pretty spectacular to watch how elegant, fluid and massive this whale was.  You can see it on YouTube as it is pretty well documented. Suffering a migraine and got my laundry done.    Last day in California, heading north to Coos bay.  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shasta not the drink

August 05, 2011

Mt Shasta(white mountain)  14 ,179 ft.
Departed my car at 1:00 am,  it was a calm, cool starry night.  I wore shorts and a t-shirt with my Montrail boots. The first 1 .6 miles is easy hiking with little elevation gain to the Sierra hiking hut and fresh spring water.  From there I hiked over a few moraines and passed lake Helen on the left side.  Lake Helen isn't a lake, no water  This is the typical bivouac site for people doing a two day hike.  The snow was hard and cold which after I put on my crampons and helmet turned into a kick step, kick step breathe and repeat over and over.  Not being able to see, I stayed on the high side and traversed just below the heart and passed it on the right side.  From there, it was a long climb up to red bank chimneys, two people were in the one to my right and Patrick the English teacher from sacremento was on my left so I went up  the middle chimney.  I caught Patrick who had started from lake Helen just below misery and we knocked out another 1000 foot elevation increase.  Now the summit was in view and we passed some hot springs where according to John Muir's book he used to camp out on.  It smelled like sulfur and I don't know how anyone could smell the rotten egg smell for nights on end.  The steam coming from the ground was interesting to see.  We were the first to summit for the day and the sky was blue, no wind and sunny.  I hung out on the summit for about 1/2 hour,   signed the log book with something sentimental and something funny to me.  Go check it out.   and then I  began a fun descent.  From the chimneys to lake Helen is a 2000 foot drop in elevation and I glissaded down the whole thing at what felt like break neck speed but I'm sure it was slow.  Uneventful, slow climb, summit and return back to the car.  This I will take over epic almost die anytime.  No headache, no nausea, legs feel great, got two blisters on my heels.  Btw, does anyone want a pair of Montrail hiking boots.  I wore them four times and that equals 8 blisters. I'm done with those boots.  


August 04 2011

Set my alarm for 4:30am for an alpine start, hit snooze a few times and then turned it off, rolled over and went back to bed, only to be woke up by the warm sun in my face.  That mountain will be there tomorrow. Went into town, updated my backcountry permit.  Back to my camping spot.  Feeling very small looking at this mountain and a little intimidated. First climb with crampons, helmet and ice axe but I guess their is a first for everything right?   Glad i decided to sleep in because I would have made a big mistake leaving so late.  After talking with a few people what I thought would be a four to five.hour adventure is more like eight to ten.  We will see tomorrow.  I need to be heading down by 11:30 am is my turn around time summit or no summit. By noon clouds covered the entire top.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dance on you fire dancers dance on

August 03, 2011

Hung out at the pool and spa until my car was fixed which was around midday and headed to mt. Shasta.  Got my permits take care of, you need two of them.  A summit permit which costs $20 .00 and a backcountry permit which is free but you have to have both on your person or you get a fine and they make you turn back wherever they catch you.  Got all my stuff packed up at the trail head.  Couldn't fall asleep and tossed and turned all night.  The stars were vibrant and everywhere,  the people camping next to me put on a laser show and fire dancing which was very cool to watch with the stars, mountains and trees  backdrop

The wheels on my Subaru go round and round

August 02, 2011

San Fran to Napa valley( the hard way)

Visited the Presidio and China beach area.  Hung out on the beach with views of the golden gate bridge and read for a few hours.  Mapped out my route to mt. Shasta through Sonoma and Napa wine country.   Driving through Napa my back tire fell off and rolled down the highway.  My road angel named Leona was two cars behind me, saw it happen and pulled over to see if I needed help.  She is an account executive for the valley yellow pages and knew who to call, gave them directions and got them there in ten minutes.  Thank you Ms. Gonsalves.  They got my car to the Subaru dealer just before closing and I got a shuttle to a hotel. Everything worked out as it always does.  

Please don't ever poop in front of me again. Ever

August 01 ,2011

San Fransico (day two)
Got up early for me 8:00am headed to pier 33, which was about a 40 minute walk.  Along the way, I got to see a large number of homeless.  One in particular stands out since he decided to defecate in front of me and then wipe his ass with his hand.  It was like a train wreck, I would look away and then back and then away and repeat.  I think I was in a state of shock.  Still am.  Arriving at pier 33 to obtain a ticket for the Alcatraz tour. Sold out until august 15.  Denied again,  way to many people on this planet.  Walked to fishermans warf and hung out to watch the sea lions for awhile as well as some of the street performers and panhandlers.  My favorite panhandler sign read " why lie, I need weed". Stopped off at Jacks,  had  a great lunch and better dinner and started to walk back to get my car and almost got threw up on by a homeless projectile vomiting all over the place.  Visited Toronado brewing Co. On haight, just blocks from the corner of haight/ashbury which both were on my to-do list, hey it was Jerry Garcia's birthday  Slept in my car on the side of the road

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 frenchies, an Aussie and a dumb american walk into a bar.

July 31, 2011

 San Fransico:  
Entered into this city by way of the bay city bridge, parking was terrible, everything is so tight and tons of people due to being Sunday.  Went to five different hostels to find a place to sleep but all were booked solid.  Stopped into a hotel to see if they had any rooms but couldn't see spending $275.00 a night.  Decided to get something to eat and got lucky with the sixth hostel that had two rooms left.  My room mates (3) we're from south Korea and were flying back to Korea and stayed up all night ugh, they were somewhat quiet, after 4:30 am , when they left I finally got some real sleep.  Buying earplugs for my next hostel stay.  I ended hanging out with three guys from France and a girl from Australia.  It was fun translating words from French to English and many times we told the very little  English speaking French guy the wrong words on purpose.   He wanted to purchase a California flag but didn't know the word for flag, so I told him it was "slut". Going into a gift shop he asked the worker for a California slut. Fun night of culture and learning cultural differences and I now have a place to stay in France when I go. Sweet.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cedar point errrr I mean Yosemite

July  30, 2011

No dice to getting permits for mt Whitney or half dome. They allow 400 people per day up 1/2 dome and you can only apply for permits online and yosemite valley only has internet on the weekdays, Yosemite is a very pretty park,.  The landscape, big rock walls and differing habitat made it easy to see why so many people go there.  Which is why I'll never go back during peak season.   It was worse than an amusement park.  Way to many rules, one way streets and regulations, which I fully understand.  Without the park service supervision and regulations mayhem and destruction would be evident.  I wouldn't mind going back in the winter time when weather would rule out the camera toting tourons who let their kids fly around on bikes in parking lots without helmets on.  I tried to get off the beaten path but pretty much everything in the valley was beaten down.  It was cool to watch a climber on el capitan. Just a little red spec moving against gravity in fluid motion all by himself/herself.  I was a little bit envious of their solitude. Current reading "running on empty" by Marshall Ulrich very good so far.  In Modesto headed to San Fran.  

Eat the biggest first (Donner lake)

July 29 2011 

Ate breakfast at a place called the wagon train coffee shop and ran
 Around Donner lake about 7.5 miles on the roads. My craving was for human flesh during the run, or maybe just a leg bone. soaked in the lake, which is a great way to do some laundry.  Sacramento traffic jam for about 15 miles the motorcyclists are crazy in getting through the jams weaving in and out of cars.  Sleeping in a pull off on route 120. Not what I would normally chose but my options are limited.  Tomorrow Yosemite and try to get a permit for half dome or mt Whitney, hopefully both.  

Friday, July 29, 2011

Goin back to Cali

July 28 2011

Made the long drive across Nevada. Almost boring except for the Bonneville salt flats.  They use this area for braking land speed records and the white salt made for a very bright view.  Sleeping in Truckee California tonight. Ah good to be out of Nevada and great to be in Cali.  

Mormons and me

July 27 2011

Drove to salt lake city from Moab and stayed in the avenues hostel.  A shower felt good and met a few cool people.  Lisa from SLC, Haru from Japan, who was on her way to yellowstone and Alex from the Netherlands.  The down side was that for a few hours, the hostel smelled of bad indian food.  The upside, AC.  
I'm not retarded, I just don't proofread.  


July 26 2011 Moab Utah 

Slept up high in the Manti-Lasal national forest and got woken up at 2:30am by a  nice rain storm.  My perfect car camping spot was not so good in the rain.  I moved my car to a spot where I wouldn't have to get a tow truck to get me out in the morning.  Ran up a dirt road to squaw springs trail and back down.  Very pretty Aspen forest and saw some huge cat tracks, which is way better than seeing the actual thing.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

To think or not to think, what was the question?

Friday July 22, 2011
So after being denied the top of gunsight pass on my mtn bike, I decided for a little redemption with my feet and ran it. Five miles up, five miles down with some wonderful views. I passed three mountain bikers on the way up. The first one seemed a little discouraged that I passed him and stopped for a rest shortly after. The second one " so much for a mechanical advantage". The third guy was waiting for his two friends reading the paper. I don't think I would have caught him if he didn't stop, he was moving at a good clip. On the way down, I started thinking about how incredible the human brain and muscle control is. The road is technical, made up of a lot of lose rocks and a stream running down the middle and winding from side to side. I would pick a line and with no thought, my feet, would end up where for only a fraction of a second my eyes saw as a good landing spot. I've run with "happy feet" before but have never really thoughtkl about the process of everything working in unison, syncing all body movements between the conscious and sub conscious. My conclusion, the human body is pretty amazing.

I got back to my car and my bike had a flat tire.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Crested butte

So I've spent the last few days in CB in a Subaru down by the river. Day one, I mtn biked up towards gunsight pass, don't know the total climb or the total distance but just as my legs felt like they were going to fall off, I turned around. surprisingly I had to rest a few times coming down because my hands were numb and my fingers ached from braking so much. A lot of loose rocks on the road deterred me from opening it up. I had an awesome soak in the river and my legs felt really good after. The next day I headed to the 401 which is by far the sweetest single track trail I have ever ridden, run or hiked. Went over my Handlebars twice and lost my camera. I hiked back up to the scene of the second arial acrobatic display, that might of won me gold had I been in the Olympics, but no camera. Boo.

Whoopin it up mountain style

Friday, July 15, 2011

The missing years

Worked and had some days off. Ran a few runs and went snowboarding all over Colorado, with a trip to British Columbia (whistler) thrown in for good measure. Fell into a funk of routines blah blah blah in Cincinnati and opted for a change of life. I quit my job of 18+ years and moved to Colorado. I've been living out of my car for about a month now, running trails and hiking mountains. In a week or so, I plan on taking my little private party to California and work my way up the coast to Seattle WA. You are now updated.

Living the dream

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

3 year hiatus

After more than a few requests from my peeps who want to know what I'm getting myself into, I will try to continue what I started many a year ago but for now I gotta go for a night run. Follow me if you can. I'll try to paraphrase the missing years later. Peace