Friday, November 25, 2011

Sunday vertical monster

Started a little bit after 7 am, 22 degrees out.  Carried a big pack(about 25 pounds) with a gallon of water and some calories, that I dropped at a large rock cropping. This was the aid station for the loop around elephant butte.  The first two loops were uneventful. The third and fourth I wondered why I was doing this, the fifth and sixth loops my legs were tired but I was getting closer to being done.  The seventh was heaven and flew by.  Number eight loop I did in the opposite direction to change it up a bit.  The last climb up evergreen mountain it was starting to get cold and the sun was  going down.  
Pretty hard training run. 10 hours on the trail and 10 k of climb.  Hoping to do this run a few more times 

Spent the day wrapping up a few loose ends in Colorado before flying back to Ohio.  Waited over two weeks to get my old title from Ohio DMV and it arrived a few hours before I left.  Spent the night at my cousins in Denver and she graciously took me to the airport on Tuesday morning.  So glad I dont have to pay for five weeks of airport parking.  
A lot has been made about holiday travel. I got my ticket, through security and to my gate in about 15 minutes. Smooth as silk.  
Got to Ohio in time to watch my nephew play soccer.

Got a 4 mile run in around the neighborhood, legs were still dead from Sunday's adventure. Turkey trot should be fun.

Ran a 35:38 in the five mile turkey trot.  Kept even splits the entire run. Ate turkey, took a nap and took my nephew to see jack and Jill.  It was great to hang out with my family and not have to worry about the madness of black Friday.  On the way home from the movies, Jarod wanted to drive by best buy and throw something soft at the campers haha love that kid.  The line at toys r us five hours before they opened was insane.  I don't get it.  

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