Arrived in Rome via the euro rail and then jumped onto the train to get closer to my sleeping accommodations. Got lost( misplaced) for a little while trying to find the monastery turned hotel where I was staying. This monastery was emporer constantines mothers house and site of the first mass legal Christian ceremony back in the day, just after Christianity was made legal by her son. A large chapel and museo was part of the grounds which contained one of the original spikes used to hang Jesus on the cross as well as two thorns from his crown of thorns. Walked around town Sunday evening, very little was open late.
Monday Rome
Spent the day at the Colosseum and had some more great food for lunch and dinner. Walked around all day.
Tuesday Rome
Spent the day touring the Vatican and Sistine chapel. After reading the signs/rules/regulations I misunderstood the rules for picture taking and decided to check my camera with my bag at bag check upon entering the Vatican. What i I thought I read was no pics at all, what it really read was no pics inside the Sistine chapel. Ate dinner at the same restaurant as monday night. It was that good. The theme was truffle, ate a lot of pastas and pizzas that contained truffles. Rome itself was dirty and the people were not all that friendly, except at the restaurant where I ate twice and the area near the Spanish steps. The history and ruins are staggering. Lots of history and I now understand that Rome was not built in a day.
Wednesday travel day from Rome to Florence via euro rail.
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