Monday, April 30, 2012

Scuba weekend

Friday finished up all the knowledge reviews and quizzes for my scuba certification. First class in the pool this evening. It was very cool to hang out underwater and breathe. We were in the pool for about three hours on Friday night. It is a class size of 7 people, one instructor and one assistant instructor. I was fortunate enough to be paired up with the assistant instructor as my buddy for all the skills tests and modules. On a another sweet note, a girl in our class was a member of the USA olympic synchronize swimming team. She gave us a quick demo, amazing to see up close. Yeah I know, nice story bro. Saturday At the pool early for few hours of classroom, four more hours in the pool and then I headed to Denver for dinner. Won't go into detail about all the scuba skills I learned but am feeling confident that I won't have any problems passing my open water certification. Shutting your air off at the bottom of the pool is not as bad as I thought it would be. Sunday Four more hours in the pool, followed by taking our final. I got 100%, almost all the questions were pretty common sense. Stayed after class and got fitted for all the gear that I will need in the future. I am scheduled to do my open water certification dives(4 of them) on June 09/10 at Chattfield Reservoir near Denver. Plenty of time for me to get my C-card and be legit to dive in Thailand during my up and coming trip.


ultrarunnergirl said...

This. Is. Awesome.
New skills and you get to put them to use in Thailand! Sweet!

Jeff said...

Scuba Steve better step aside, he's got some competition - Scuba Shubi!

Bill said...

Looking forward to diving somewhere other than a pool. i'm sticking around DC for a week after MMT, hope we can get together at some point.


shhhh don't tell a soul about the scuba squad, then everyone will want to join